Aad 't Hart: Lifesteam, an aggregation of all public web activity.

Aad 't Hart

What have I been up to?

@PostNL En nu voor de 5de dag: morgen bezorgd. Elke dag hou ik er rekening mee, elke dag: Sorry het is druk. Wannee… https://t.co/VXj7GXJ0o4
@PostNL kampieon valse beloftes. Heb alle begrip voor dat het druk is en wat langer duurt, maar beloof dan niets. H… https://t.co/8zHchC1YJg
@PostNL Dat heb ik al gedaan, maar ook die kunnen/willen mij niet helpen. PostNL ghost me en communiceert niet meer!
@PostNL het is ondertussen 5 juni en ik hoor niets meer van jullie. 2 keer melden jullie een bezorg tijd, ik hou er… https://t.co/A373AJ3lFU
Ever had your UINavigationBar buttons disappear in SwiftUI? https://t.co/Wr4jc8ag1N #swiftui
Working on Going Walkabout, your iOS Travel journal. Follow the progress of a real world app: https://t.co/n5Op8zzLWj
Back working on #GoingWalkabout an iOS travel diary. Want to catch up: https://t.co/0uwylWyYrB
Going South - Snowy Roadtrip #shorts #roadtrip #snow #snowy https://t.co/9qBIL017fI
Another winter impression. This time some magical snowy trees https://t.co/rTv9Ut1UHc
Daily duties - Snowy Car #shorts #snow #snowcleaning https://t.co/Sg3257JkRL
Enjoy your white snowy Christmas #shorts https://t.co/oPQ6B0CwKe
Heading north, one of the last days with daylight https://t.co/8CWfTy0UrQ
@AirbnbHelp Why can't I use my real name? https://t.co/hUlRhOAgM6
Suddenly another episode of Going walkabout your mobile travel diary for iOS https://t.co/8BMfGoc8QK
Part 1 of giving public access to Going Walkabout, your mobile travel diary #ios #firebase https://t.co/IudVIzwaRQ
Finally the whole Firebase SignIn/Up and SignIn with Apple is complete: https://t.co/40pEABqHWl
Finally the whole Sign In with Apple is working. https://t.co/Rtpq2qyfEJ #firebase #swiftui #appleid @signinwithapple
Firebase Auth, link an Apple ID. https://t.co/cDx52alifa #firebase #appleid
Another episode on Firebase Auth and SwiftUI. https://t.co/UnwUH0O8Se
Performing an action while navigating in SwiftUI. It took me some time to figure this out: https://t.co/9LCWrVyjXk #iosdev #SwiftUI
@wehkamp Willen jullie mij niet als klant of zo? Ik heet echt zo! https://t.co/U0Kor90TFB
SwiftUI vs UIKit (Eureka) Forms in iOS #iOS #iOSDev #swiftui https://t.co/jw2iIoKarH
I moved everything to the #cloud but the view is disappointing https://t.co/1qrDjXQFIB
and the next episode of Going Walkabout, it's about optional Date Form fields in SwiftUI #swiftui #ios https://t.co/Xa3v3aYroB
@rodemics the thread of the mount of my PSA1 is gone, it’ s a few months old. How can I quickly get a new one? https://t.co/ZaThsarc8A
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